What to do in winter - 7 interesting ideas for students
We decided to share ideas on what to do in the fresh air in winter. Many students don’t like winter because it gets dark early, you want to sleep more, you have to put on a lot of warm clothes and there are problems with transport. But just remember your childhood and even adults’ eyes light up. Surely everyone has a memory of coming home and your pants are stiff from being frozen; of sliding down a hill until it gets dark or sitting under a Christmas tree, with the lights of the garlands blinking around you, and you’re waiting for the moment to open presents.You can immerse yourself in childhood simply by going outside – to the park or the forest. When was the last time you laughed sincerely? Playing snowballs or sledding will help you feel like a child again! A popular winter pastime is sledding. It is very similar to simply sledding, only more comfortable. Many cities have special areas with zorbs – large transparent balls that fit a person. You can get a lot of impressions on such an attraction. In addition, large entertainment areas often offer horseback riding. By the way, this is a great idea forwhere to take a girl on a date . You can check with the representative whether they do rides, for example outside the city, to some beautiful places. A horseback ride in pairs is always very romantic.
As it turns out, there are plenty of options for what to do in the fresh air in winter. The main thing to remember is that there is nothing shameful in playing snowballs and fooling around outside.
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02Winter sports
winter sports
Many students are interested in winter sports. In summer, most young people prefer to go out into nature more often. Spending a lot of time outdoors in winter is quite difficult, but doing sports in the fresh air is a great solution.
What winter sports are there:
Ice skating. This entertainment is available to everyone. In any residential area you can find at least one or two ice rinks that are regularly flooded, cleaned and put in order. If you do not have your own skates - no problem, you can go to a paid rink and rent them. Do not forget to take your student ID, students of higher educational institutions have the opportunity to save on the purchase of a ticket for skating and renting skates
Hockey. You can gather a whole team of friends and classmates and have fun on the hockey rink, so you will definitely not have a question -what to do as a student in winter . Everything you need can also be rented
Snowboarding. Getting on a board for the first time is a great opportunity to try something new and boost your self-esteem.