spending time on organization is still a significant
But if you can convince yourself to slow down and get organized, you'll be pretty happy with the results. "For every minute spent organizing, you gain an hour." - Benjamin Franklin Although Benjamin Franklin's estimate is exaggerated,investment. Experts estimate that every hour spent planning and organizing saves three to four hours that would otherwise be wasted. There's a reason why people who are the calmest and least stressed are the most productive - they understand the importance of organization and have adjusted their habits accordingly.The good news is that you too can become more organized and productive, simply poland country code for whatsapp by developing the habits they trust. → Register now! 1. Compliant people never leave a messy desk. You may think you know exactly where and in which stack of papers you can find a particular document. Although active people often have files piling up, it will eventually lead to a dead end.
Organizing your desk can help you organize your mind. In addition, research conducted at Princeton University has shown that the more our brains are overloaded with competing stimuli on a desk, the less we can focus. And this is not just subjective evidence; they were able to see a difference in the subjects’ brain activity in MRI scans. 2. Successful people never touch things twice.