Our locations with the least organic new
This data might indicate that we need to improve our rankings in the Local Pack. Location pages By filtering our location pages, we can understand which locations receive the most organic traffic. Using GA4 to compare the success of our various location pages is crucial to a successful local SEO strategy because it helps us determine priority. When we have 50 locations but only a few hours to commit across them, it’s most impactful to dedicate our time to the locations most need growth.First, add a column to the table dashboard DB to Data specifies Landing page + query string: Add column Click the “+” to add a column. Landing page Search for landing page and select Landing page + query string. Next, use a filter to limit data to organic traffic and our location pages. Filter to location page Follow the steps outlined at the beginning of this article for filtering organic traffic and add a condition for Landing page + query string to the path of your location pages.
Note: In order to analyze the success of location pages, they mustpath folder, which is typically something like this:If location pages aren’t nested within a parent path folder, then the Landing page + query string filter won’t work, and assessing local SEO growth will be more challenging. Top locations Based on our filters, we can see that the top GA4 locations accessed by new users are Atlanta and Denver.users were New York and Columbus, where we could focus our local SEO efforts moving forward.