SEO measures, there is a term called "external link"
That increase time on site? How to Use Internal Links Effectively for SEO How to Check Internal Links Summary What is an Internal Link? Internal linking refers to connecting pages within a site with links. By managing your site with internal links in mind, you can expect SEO effects. For example, you can extend the amount of time users spend on your site or you can create a structure that makes it easier for Google crawlers (automated robots) to navigate your site. Additionally, it is safer to choose internal links at the site creation stage than to install them later. However, I think most people reading this article already have a website. If that's the case, try.writing down the titles of each page on your site and see if there are any sites that can be linked to with internal links. We recommend writing the page titles within your site on paper, as this allows you to visualize the structure of the site. Difference Between Internal Links Brazil Phone Number Data and External Links Amongwhich is similar to internal linking. An external link is a link from a domain other than your own website. External sites that link to your site are called "backlink sources." External links can also be considered an important element in SEO measures.
This is because Google considers sites that have many external links to be popular. Therefore, when considering countermeasures for internal linking, you should also focus on creating highly unique content that can be linked to from the outside. How Internal Links Affect SEO As mentioned above, internal links are an important factor in EO. So, here we will introduce how internal links affect SEO. ・Extend the time spent on the site ・Make it easier for crawlers to navigate the site.