Conversion differences, generated by
Variations in exchange rates. Liabilities Liabilities represent the company's obligations and debts to third parties , items with a negative accounting value: Shareholders' equity: reflects the share of the company's ownership that belongs to shareholders, including share capital, reserves retained profits and net profit for the year. External liabilities: it includes provisions for risks, for charges, short and long-term debts as well as obligations towards third parties capital suppliers, creditors, tax bodies, social security, staff, etc.. Practical tips for easily writing your financial statement The design of a solid financialstatement is based on the collection of reliable data bank statements, receipts, disbursements, invoices, etc.. These are available from the company's various accounting and financial sources. The Cambodia Phone Number List information collected must also be accurate and up to date to faithfully reflect the real situation of the organization. For assets like inventory, you will need to take a physical inventory to assess the current value. This may involve revaluation based on
market conditions or replacement costs. Likewise, for fixed assets such asor buildings, their current condition, depreciation or amortization must be taken into account to assess their real value. You will also collect information relating to liabilities loans, other forms of debt, etc. precisely. This includes the amounts owed as well as the conditions of these debts interest rate, due dates, etc.. Finally, for shareholders' equity, you will gather information on share capital, reserves and retained earnings. This information is usually available in company .