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Thus, there are many agents involved in the operational process. Due to having a more consistent and specific demand, it is natural that various brands compete to become the suppliers of other businesses. This is not only related to the raw materials for the production of the products, but also to the services necessary to make the company's operations viable . It is in this scenario that we apply B2B marketing. In this text, we will explain the concept and make clear its difference for the B2C model . In addition, we will show you its benefits and give tips to apply it in practice. So, join us!What is B2B marketing.The acronym B2B is an acronym for Business to Business which, when Phone Number List translated into Spanish, can be understood as business for business. In this way, we conclude that this type of activity refers to marketing efforts related to transactions that involve two companies : one that sells something and the other that buys. B2B marketing techniques are not totally opposite to those used in conventional marketing, aimed directly at the consumer. However, there is a significant difference. While natural persons make their decisions based on characteristics such as product popularity, status, brand identification and other emotional factors, B2B buyers are more objective.
What matters to them is, mainly, the return on investment and the cost benefit . Throughout the text, we are going to explore in more depth the differences between these two modalities. Now, it is worth mentioning that maintaining a good relationship with the consumer is important in B2C, but that becomes even more essential in B2B. This occurs because, as it relates the activities of other companies, it is common for negotiations to be more intense, which requires a high level of trust on the part of the comparators. Furthermore, this type of sale occurs cyclically , which makes customer satisfaction an essential element for their return.