Now comes the fun part playing with the filters
Within the software we have different ways to filter the data in order to save time and find only what we need. Some of the filters are: Filter keywords by position Traffic volume according to Ahrefs for each keyword Keyword difficulty according to the software Cost per click or CPC Traffic that the keyword receives from the domain Number of words of the keyword that positions (very useful) SERP Features for which you have content positioning That includes x word Exclude x word from the search As you will see, there is a lot to play. In the image I posted above we were filtering by keyword position in the SERPs and its estimated volume.4. Filtering by long tail keywords Why did I say that filtering by the number of keyword words is extremely useful? For this: Filtering by long tail keywords In this case I filtered to get keywords from that contain more than 4 words. We can Iraq WhatsApp Number Data find long tail keywords like “does nutella cause cancer” and get thousands of ideas to create content and, thanks to this, we know what works and what doesn't. This is a great SEO strategy. For example, we can go to our competitors and get very specific keywords which we can position more easily because we know how to create better content.
Strategy 2: Watching my competitors Analyzing competitors is one of the most important tasks. Whether we like it or not, our competitors do many good things which we must understand and “copy” in our own style. Creating quality content is one of them. In this case we are going to analyze as if it were our competition. 1. Best pages from a competitor To see the best competitor pages, that is, the pages that get the most traffic, keywords or whatever we want to know, we have to go to the left menu and click on Best Pages. Best pages of my competitor These are the examine.