BB tends to require more
Convincing to make a purchase than BC markets, as a result, the market research must be far more detailed and in-depth. Further, better incentives may need to be offered to BB markets to encourage them to choose your company to do business with. The types of products being sold (and where) are not the same Spending tends to be higher in BB markets as opposed to BC markets. The products being sold also tend to be more complex and customized. BC tends to be simpler overall. Further, the products are more likely to be sold via multiple channels of distribution.Purchases are made differently in BB markets than in BC markets When compared to the BC buying journey, the BB purchasing journey is much longer, has more stages, and has more stakeholders. More information tends to be required throughout the buying journey as well, and these ICTP Conference 2017 purchases aren’t as focused on emotional touchpoints as BC is. HOW TO CHART A SUCCESSFUL CUSTOMER JOURNEY Why is BB Market Research Critical? Now let’s learn some of the benefits of BB market research.
Help to Understand and Build BB Buyer Personas Market research gives you a closer look at who your potential customers are. With this information, you can better understand what your customers need from you, allowing you to create more accurate BB buyer personas to help fuel your efforts. Evaluate the Changing Needs of Customers It isn’t uncommon for the needs of customers to change every now and then, and it can be difficult to keep up with these changing customer needs. Through BB market research, you can stay abreast of new developments in customer behavior and use this data to help solidify your future plans.