How to integrate Zapier CRM to WhatsApp?
It was so popular in its time that if you ask whatis , a few hands will go up to answer correctly. But, if you ask your question about its integrations, more than one person would not know how to answer. Therefore, today we want to be the ones to answer precisely that question in relation to WhatsApp, the app for selling to large and small businesses. Can be integrated into this messaging? We tell you. What isis software designed to automate work processes and connect different programs and applications with each other. That is, it is responsible for carrying data from one tool to another, it plays the role of intermediary between services.For example: You run a campaign on Facebook Ads and you need to pass the main information to your marketing tool, r comes in . It has a free version Free foreverthat allows you to do up to 5 specific tasks and connections of a maximum of two steps at a time. With the disadvantage that some platforms are excluded from the CU Leads plan, such as Facebook Lead Ads. Your subscription, paid forper month, allows integrations with more than 200 applications, including: Twitter, Slack, Facebook Ads, Google Sheets, Google Calendar, Zendesk, Gmail, Dropbox, LinkedIn and more.
Zapier features You don't need to have programming knowledge to do the integrations. You will have a specialized communications panel. You will receive multi-channel alerts and notifications. You will have a data source. You will be able to receive assistance online. Canbe integrated into WhatsApp? At the moment, not directly.there are ways you can use your customers' data on WhatsApp and bring it through third parties to . As? Using Google Forms as a bridge. In this case we will talk about the integration of Google Forms to obtain customer data through WhatsApp in case of any purchase or even questions, and we will automatically send you an email.