It may seem a bit complicated at first, but you don't need to be afraid, because it is not complicated at all. In simple words, it can be said that RankBrain measures the audience's interest in each of the search results and ranks the results accordingly. For example, you have come across many times that the 4 results on the results page are the best content you can find. The reason for this is that Google, by RankBrain, has been able to check the behavior of other audiences with these materials and measure their popularity, and in this way, the materials that have already been able to attract the satisfaction of the audience will have a good position in Google's ranking. They find good. On the other hand, suppose you click on the first option without looking, thinking that the results at the beginning of the Google results page are good, and you see that the content is awful! So you quickly leave the site and page and click on another result that has valuable content and spend your time reading the content you want.
In this situation, RankBrain pulls down the first article that was in the Aruba Email List first place but was not of good quality from the first place and tries to place an article in the first place that is worth the audience's time. As you can see, RankBrain focuses on two things: The time the audience spends on your page. ( Dwell Time ) The rate of clicks on your page in Google results. ( Click Through Rate ) In the following, we will examine the relationship between RankBrain and each of these items . RankBrain and UX Signals RankBrain and the audience's time on your page RankBrain is very important for the time your audience spends on your site pages. On the other hand, I must say that this is not just a guess, and one of the managers of Google has recently fully confirmed that the Google search engine considers the duration of the visitor's stay on your site as an important factor in the ranking.

to give According to Google, audience dwell time is the time from when the user clicks on the link of your page on the results page until he clicks on the Back section. Also, SearchMetrics website research shows that the sites that rank first to tenth on the for 3 minutes and 10 seconds on average. If you have experience working with Google Analytics, you will know that 3 minutes is an acceptable and standard time. You can easily understand why Google uses this algorithm by checking your behavior on a page: "When you spend a long time on a page, it means you are using the content on this page and You find it useful for you." But the problem that arises now is that relying completely on RankBrain cannot bring users to the best results during the search, so how should the quality of these contents be determined more accurately and provided to the searchers? ? We will answer this question in the following.