Fernando Martín is a musician journalist writer actor and a lot of other things because he believes in dilettantism as an alternative to extreme specialization. He was music critic for the newspaper El País for years. As a musician he has released five studio albums with the s band Desperados plus one solo and another with his brother Guille forming the acoustic duo Neverly Brothers. He has worked on all radio and television stations in the country as a scriptwriter and has two books and several published stories. He is the father of a son and a more or less responsible citizen. And he endorses a maxim by Gore Vidal that reads: “There is nothing sweeter in this world than for a man to know and save himself.”
Fernando MartiěnJosé Luis Ibáñez Salas | I would never have met you if it hadn't been for The Ramones ... Los Pistones sang. But I would have known you even if it hadn't been for Desperados because I read you many times in El País . There has CXB Directory to be some difference between making music and writing about it. I can't give an opinion: I only listen to it and from time to time I write about it but you you are a musician and communicator. Tell me…
Fernando Martin | Writing about music is always commenting on it. Realize that we are dealing with a subject of a different depth than medicine economics or technology where quantifiable data is necessary.
Talking about music is applying the filter of your artistic sensitivity to something at merely appreciative levels and with an important subjective component. What happens is that if you do it in a mass media such as El País your personal opinion can end up becoming a current which sometimes has nothing to do with what the author intended.
There is the example of Dylan whom the media began to treat as the beacon of a generation and in the end everyone assumed it. Everyone... except him who hated that role and considered himself nothing more than a musician and a songwriter.
When I have written and write about music I try to balance the culinary recipe between information and opinion always under the prism of my musical training extensive due to decades of practice and listening. Sometimes I get it more other times less. But come on you end up taking a practice that leads you to do it confidently and with a low risk of making major mistakes.