Click-through rate Click-through rate represents the percentage of contacts who received your email and clicked on at least one link in your email. This metric lets you know if your emails are well designed and written to encourage contacts to take action or seek out more information. To increase click-through rates, you need to improve the quality of your writing, your email design, and the visibility of your calls to action. Unsubscribe rate Unsubscribe rate represents the percentage of contacts who received your emails and unsubscribed from your mailing list.
If this number is too high, it could be a sign that you need to deutschland phone number consider the quality of the content you send to your contacts, or that you're sending too many emails to your contacts. How to Optimize Your Email Marketing Metrics Optimizing your email marketing campaigns actually involves optimizing three different metrics:measures that help deliver emails to your contacts. This will go hand in hand with your choice of email marketing tools (e.g. using email marketing routing, smtp and tracking) and your email goals (opt-ins are your friend!).

Optimize open rates, which are primarily influenced by sender identity and subject lines that use a powerful business message to convince contacts to open the email. Optimize conversion rates, depending on content, graphic design, and elements that drive conversions. Each of the above tips will have an impact on these ratios. The most important thing is to make sure you measure the right data. An email marketing tool (or marketing automation tool) can help a lot with this.