Deployment process by providing the following container variables. GO_RUN: to set the binary file name. If you don't create these variables, the deployment script will look for them based on the Git project name. GOPATH: to define a deployment folder such as /home/dewacloud/webapp. GO_BUILD_OPTIONS: provides additional options for build operations (by default usually for rebuilding old or current packages) GO_RUN_OPTIONS: provides options for running operations. deploy golang application When deploying on Dewacloud PaaS, the following steps will automatically occur.
Parses the Git URL that has been entered to get a link to the Go project. Download the package with all its dependencies using the go get command. If an error occurs, then do the download as for a Git project and try again to get the Go dependencies. Builds project using the go America Mobile Number List build command (using additional options such as the GO_BUILD_OPTIONS variable ). Runs the binary specified by the GO_RUN variable with the go run command (using additional options specified in the GO_RUN_OPTIONS variable ). After the deployment is successful, the Go project is located in the directory that has been set in the GOPATH variable.

Domains Management With Dewacloud PaaS, you can easily bind custom domains to the Go application. Which will later be used as a replacement for the default environment domain. There are two options to choose from. CNAME Redirect – if you are using a Shared Load Balancer, this is recommended for developer and test environments. DNS A Record – if you use a Public IP, this can handle high traffic and is suitable for production environments. domains management Apart from that, you can also swap domains which aims to switch one environment to another. For example, to switch to a newer version of an application. Note: if you use a Public IP, traffic can be redirected to another environment with the help of the SwapExtIps API method.