Victor The A Veiga Region treasures one of the cleanest and purest firmaments to contemplate the stars on the planet; Hence it was declared, in 2015, a Starlight Destination , the first in Galicia . And although this fact has placed this area of the province of Ourense on the Galician tourist map, the truth is that everyone who visits it, initially motivated by their astronomical passion, ends up marveling at the natural environment that surrounds it. The culprits? Corners like Cántara da Moura , a native forest paradise that enchants with its legends and its virgin, lush nature. A magical place full of carballos, chestnut trees, hollies, freixos, toxos or piornos, like some of the highlighted species, as well as endless lichens that dress rocks and trunks in green. The route through Cántara da Moura Cantara da Moura, A Veiga Cántara da Moura, A Veiga. By Victor The route to Cántara da Moura is short (just over 800 meters one way) but very intense for the senses. The Lodeiro Recreational Area, at the foot of the Prada reservoir, is the starting point of this path that has the Corzos River as a companion on the route, a channel that, for centuries, has shaped each of the capricious shapes of the numerous stones that can be seen along the route.
The most peculiar shapes that have their own name, granite buns. But these rocks covered in moss are not the only attraction on the route to Cántara da Moura. Along the way we find charming Colombia Mobile Number List wooden bridges, small and beautiful waterfalls, and a generous parade of caves and cavities that we can enter. Like the Cova dos Escapados , one of the shelters used by the Republicans to safeguard themselves during the turbulent years of the Civil War. The route is an absolute sensory delight. Cantara da Moura, A Veiga Cántara da Moura, A Veiga. By Victor It is precisely one of these cavities that gives its name to this route, the Cántara da Moura , a cave with a natural opening in the shape of a door through which the riverbed escapes and where, according to popular voices, the mythical lives.

Moura , the famous mythological being of Galicia that hides in the Galician forests and rivers. According to legend, every morning, the moura goes out to comb her hair with a gold comb while she waits for the young cattle ranchers from Corzos to arrive . When they get close, the moura drops her comb into the river. If the young woman picks it up and combs her hair, the mythological being rewards the maiden with several gold coins. On the other hand, if the young woman passes by, the moura punishes her by turning her into another stone. Observing the number of stones in the area, it seems that more than one girl ignored the comb.What is logical is negatively valued: that the dog does not stop when the jury indicates it, that it does not enter one of the flags that mark the circuit, that it leaves the route and that it does not pay attention to the shepherd.