Experience professionals to understand how the crisis is affecting our work. For our report on Covid and UX, we have had feedback from more than professionals in the sector who have provided us with valuable information about the impact that the emergency has had on projects and daily work. Furthermore, they have given us their vision on the challenges we face and the measures we can take, as experts, to alleviate the effects of this crisis. Study: How is COVID- affecting the design of user experiences? See study COVID, brands and consumption With our second study we have focused on consumption and brands.
In recent weeks, numerous surveys have been published about the impact that the emergency has had on the consumption of Spaniards, so our intention has been to do something different. Instead of drawing the present time, we wanted to provide data that can help understand it and serve as a guide for brands when designing their experiences. In our survey on Consumption and brands we have investigated in depth the consequences Brazil Mobile Number List that the emergency is having on consumers' priorities and their future consumption intention. The results show a marked desire for change in consumer habits, in addition to a panorama where new factors such as security during the purchasing experience and the desire to support local production and commerce are strongly emerging. We have also investigated the actions of brands during the emergency and found out which brands and which actions have had a positive impact on consumers and which, on the contrary, have suspended.Journey Maps.
A global vision of your users' experience. April , Est. Reading: minutes Team working on Customer Journey Map Of all the existing techniques, Journey Maps are one of the most used and powerful tools in UX. They help to see and explain the points of contact and experiences of users for an improvement in interaction in the design, development or improvement of our company's services and/or products. These maps tend to be used to obtain a global vision of a user's experience within a product or service and identify those aspects that are susceptible to improvement.