Integrate marketing and sales to increase your results If your product and sales are already done online, you have already taken a big step toward digitalization. Then you are in the privileged position to take the next step and apply these concepts to the rest of your structure by adapting your business to this new change. Thanks to inbound marketing, a large part of your prospects’ sales cycle will be monitored and fed by your marketing team.
Who will then transfer your salespeople. This change in working Phone Number Data style will help, but you will need to follow through. habits and best-practice that will mean that your sales and marketing teams are naturally passing leads to each other in a fluid way. If the teams become aligned, and they feed and communicate with each other can become your new buying model in the company.

If it is possible to make this change within your marketing strategy, it is much easier when you are using a marketing automation tool to do so. Pair your marketing automation and CRM To facilitate the integration between your sales and marketing teams, you can connect your CRM (Customer Relationship Manager software) to your marketing automation software. At Plezi, we have already done so, and we can see how much time we saved.