What is URL? What is the full form of URL?/ What is URL? / What is URL? What is IP Address? Internet Protocol Incredible contribution of Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the Internet What is URL? / What is URL? Friends, in today's article we are going to talk about what is URL? / What is URL? What is web portal URL? ? What is Internet Protocol, what does Http mean ? What is the full form of http? What is the difference between http and https ? Today we will know all these, just read the entire article carefully: Have you ever read or heard the term URL and have you ever heard about Click URL? Or open the URL. But very few people know what a URL is.
Today is the digital era and in this digital era the Internet is being used extensively. What is the story behind URLs when you are using the Internet? If you don't know then in this post you will know what URL actually is and how important it is. What does a URL do for a webpage Denmark Phone Number Data and how does a URL work? What is the full form of URL?/ What is URL? / What is URL? The full form of URL is Uniform Resource Locator. It is used to search any web page available on the Internet and to name it in simple and common language. Any website or any web page has a web address. So we can go to the same single web page site.

The URL works just like your home address. Like the home address has a pin code and the complete address of your home so that if you give this address to someone else then he will come to your home. Similarly, if a person is given a URL then he can access the same web page. This is how URLs work. Initially, IP addresses were used instead of web addresses. The full name of IP address is Internet Protocol Address. Today a computer cannot be connected to the Internet or any network without an IP address. Now you know that every website has an IP address that identifies it on the Internet. Example: https://hindipalace.com/ What is IP Address?