If people who create this technology carefully consider moral impact and take guarantee measures to prevent them from being abused, some of them (such as using copyright -protected images or texts without consent) can be completely avoided. Do you think that data professionals have a moral foundation? William Tracy: The ability to consider the long -term impact of the development of the development or technology is different from the technical knowledge of creating or understanding the technology.
They need to be based on different principles, one is the principle of morality, and the other is technical knowledge or information processing principles. art, and the other is considered a science. Because of Argentina WhatsApp Number this, many people cannot obtain a sufficient foundation in both sides if they focus on a certain subject. Ethical data professionals may be able to better consider the long -term impact of the information they are dealing with and what purposes they are used for. What are the ethical effects of using synthetic data in the training model? William Tracy: A solution to avoid using real world data with moral problems is to use a combination of data.

But similar, it is best to consider the source of the data first. It is said that synthetic data can eliminate moral issues because data is generated rather than real. However, it is still important to consider the method of creation of data and whether there are inherent deviations when it is created. When running data, the model error in the final product may increase, because synthetic data cannot capture all aspects and uses of the real world.