regional pursuits like caroling in creepy caverns we’ve developed plenty of unique customs that help us fully immerse ourselves in a little holiday-appropriate weirdness.We’re not alone though — there are many other fantastically odd Christmas traditions that play out each year all over the globe. Let’s take a look at some of the most delightfully peculiar holiday traditions people revel in.Bundling Up to Avoid a Visit From the Yule Cat Photo Courtesy ArtMarieGetty ImagesIf you thought your mom was a stickler about making sure you looked your best on Christmas.
just be thankful you didn’t have to face the fashion-forward furiosity of Iceland’s Belize WhatsApp Number Jólakötturinn or “Yule Cat.” According to legends dating back to medieval times Yule Cat prowls the streets after the sun goes down on Christmas Eve looking to make a tasty snack out of anyone who hasn’t received new clothes for the holiday.While this may sound strange — and even like some catty class discrimination — it makes a bit more sense in the context of history. In the days of yore wool production was a vital part of life in Iceland both for economic reasons .
and for staying warm as a matter of survival. So getting wool clothes for Christmas was kind of a given. It was only possible however if everyone in the family worked hard to complete the necessary tasks around their farms to gather and process the wool. The legend was probably invented as a way to startle the unmotivated into getting it together lest Yule Cat feel tempted to turn them into festive Fancy Feast when Christmas Eve rolled around.Chowing Down on Christmas Chicken Photo Courtesy Yuichi YamazakiGetty ImagesIn the mid-1970s people around Japan found themselves unable to escape what may have been one of the most enduring marketing campaigns of all time.