Marketing qualified lead or MQL : these are leads who have initiated contact with the company, by leaving, for example, their contact details to download a brochure, a white paper or to register for a event. funnel because they are not yet in a decision-making process but rather information and intelligence. Sales qualified lead or SQL : Located at the second level, SQL is in reality an MQL whose needs, motivations, etc. are known.
We then say that he is “qualified”. This step is often Phone Number Data carried out through an exchange with a sales representative who has had the opportunity to deepen the person's profile and offer them the most suitable offer. Product-Qualified Leads or PQL : the PQL is a lead specific to companies that offer products and services in SaaS mode with trial or demonstration offers. The Product-Qualified lead is therefore a person who has carried out a demonstration, downloaded or tried a freemium product without going to the transaction stage.

Conversation-qualified leads or CQLs: CQLs are leads generated via online conversational tools such as chatbots or social networks (Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.). These leads initiated a conversation with the company through one of these tools to get more information about the company. It is essential to take these typologies into account in your lead generation strategy .