Children's audiences, and especially those who are beginning to read, may have certain difficulties understanding the message that children's books want to convey to them . At that point, illustrations come into play . The boy or girl will increase their ability to understand as they grow and acquire the ability to read, but for this, illustrations are a fundamental support that will make them improve and learn. The illustrations that accompany children's books not only help the child to get to know the characters involved in the story and quickly identify them, but also allow them to follow the story's main thread visually, which makes them delve into the story. history and understand it. For this reason, although the reading comprehension of this children's audience is not very high, the support of the text through the use of illustrations will make it easier for them to understand what message the book sends them. This is where the importance of illustrations lies when publishing children's books.
Illustrations bring children's stories to life and are an Italy Telegram Number Data essential complement to transmit the message correctly to the little ones. The work of illustrators is a very active part of the editing process of a children's story. Therefore, through our illustrator Iván Alfaro we show you how a story is illustrated and what are the steps to follow : ARTICLE INDEX Documentation and meeting with the author Sketches and character design Text distribution and storyboard Illustration of scenes and coloring Summary and steps on how to illustrate a story Iván Alfaro, passion for illustration Contact us More information Documentation and meeting with the author In this first phase the objective is to know more closely the theme and story of the story to be illustrated and for that I have the help of the author of the text. After reading the story , I try to meet with the author and if it is not possible due to geographical distance, we have a conversation by phone or Skype.

In this meeting the first thing we do is choose the general visual style of the book. Throughout my years of working as an illustrator I have developed different styles in character design : Some more childish, others more youthful and with different levels of detail depending on the target audience. I ask the author to consult my portfolio of illustrations so that she can choose the style that she likes the most and the one that best suits the project. I also ask her for personal references that she wants to be visually reflected in the illustration. For example, in the book “ Una dolça embraced ” , by Sarai Bertomeu, the author asked me for the protagonist to have a specific look, especially in the design of her hairstyle, with a bun and wavy hair. And in the book “ I am looking for a companion for Christmas Day ”, Mariel, its author, wanted her story to take place in a forest with emblematic places of the town where she resides, such as wells, bridges and farmhouses.