In the aforementioned joint interview with Beneš, he talked about thematic sections with shows, user profiles or algorithmic content recommendations.My impression is that having three levels of access on the Prima+ is practically unnecessary in terms of user comfort. Global services are using the hybrid model more and more often, but their offer and comfort are at the same time incomparable to what you can find in the Czech application.
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At a recent press conference for the fall program, Prima management boasted that Prima+ has , registered users, of which , are paying users. For Médiář , CEO Marek Singer added that the average time spent in the application is four to five hours per week. But something else is more important for Prima "We are primarily interested in inventory, i.e. how much advertising we can spin," explained Marek Singer.Since we focused on hybrid and free services, I looked at what you can get without paying in the Czech Republic.