The importance of the marketing mix in projects: The concept of marketing these days has expanded beyond being an advertisement for a product, or getting the product into the hands of the consumer. Things related to marketing have become known as the marketing mix, which is a set of marketing tools, strategies and tactics that the company uses. In order for a company or project to ensure its success these days in the marketing process, there must be a strong interaction between all elements of the marketing mix, because they are the main pillars on which the organization is based.
What are the elements of the Rich People Phone Number List marketing mix: 1.Price. 2.Product. 3.Promotion. 4.Place. The importance of the marketing mix lies in: process in determining marketing channels. He will make as much profit as possible. Achieving early sales. It will affect the success and failure of the company. Developing the strength of the organization. Improve cooperation between departments. Creating value for the product or service.

Knowing the customer’s location and the most appropriate way to reach him. 3. Definition of advertising, its importance and types: Advertising is defined as the method used by the merchant to influence the buyer's decisions, by relying on the application of a group of non-personal means and methods of communication in order to select ideas and convey them in promoting the products and services provided. The importance of the announcement: Advertising is an essential means of media used by various establishments.