I think that every company with a social initiative plans to contribute to a better society but without ceasing to give importance to economic benefits, because without them, little progress could be made.Login to respond María Mercedes García Díaz Hello Miguel: As you say, the data is neutral, the important thing is the use and interpretation that is made of it, as we have seen recently, Facebook sold user data to Cambridge Analytica, with the aim of analyzing data to be used in campaigns. policies.Rony Lexter Quiroz Castillo Corporate responsibility in most cases is done with the objective of improving your brand and increasing your profits in one way or another.
However, I am convinced that there are several large companies Denmark WhatsApp Number Data that truly seek to contribute to society and create a better world. If as a result of this, an economic benefit is achieved, then it is welcome, but that is not its main objective. With respect to Big Data, I believe that initially small monopolies will be created in the world since initially the largest companies are the ones that have access to develop this new trend of data analysis. Over time this will change and many more companies will be able to use it.

The benefit to the consumer is undeniable. In any case, we will benefit since companies will be able to learn more about our behavior based on large amounts of analyzed information, and will be able to provide us with more personalized and optimal solutions to everyday problems. An example of this was applied to the . A massive analysis of information (Big Data) was carried out in the city of Rio to understand the behavior of robberies. Thanks to this, it was possible to determine patterns, dangerous streets, recommended times to travel in certain areas of the city, etc.