Once you're in incognito mode, you can browse the internet privately and your activity won't be visible to others using this device. However, your downloads, bookmarks, and reading list items will still be saved. When switched to incognito mode, the Chrome browser does not save browsing history, cookies and site data, or information entered in forms. However, your activity may be visible to the websites you visit, your employer or school, and officials from your Internet service provider. You can choose to block third-party cookies every time you open a new incognito window. Switch to incognito mode Browse the internet privately (no other users can see your activity) Switch to incognito mode Browse the internet privately (no other users can see your activity) Go back to the table of contents 5.
Delete mobile Google search history Let’s learn how to delete Google Chrome search history on a mobile Indonesia Phone Number smartphone. Turning off the basic Chrome search history is the same as on a PC, so I will explain it with a screenshot of the main screen. 5-1. Delete mobile Google search history 1) Select your profile in Google Chrome Click Google Account Management 2) Activity and Places Visited 3) History Settings Click My Activity Select your profile Click Google Account Management, click Data and Privacy Protection Click Activities and Places Visited, History Settings Click My Activity Select your profile Click Google Account Management, click Data and Privacy Protection Click Activities and Places Visited, History Settings Click My Activity 4) Proceed with identity verification to check activity history.

Check my Google activity To check my activity history Proceed with identity verification Check my Google activity To check my activity history Proceed with identity verification Check my Google activity 5) Select the period for deleting search history 6) Last 1 hour Delete search history 7) Last 1 day Delete search history Select a period to delete search history Delete search history for the past hour Delete search history for the past 1 day Select a period to delete search history Delete search history for the past hour Delete search history for the past 1 day 8) Google activity history Delete entire period 9) Select user setting range Delete search history Delete Google activity history for entire period Delete search history for user-defined range Delete Google activity history for entire period Delete search history for user-defined range Go back to the table of contents 5-2.